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Contemporary Sages: The Great Chasidic Masters of the Twentieth Century


Original: $14.99

Product Description
The chapters of this companion volume to The Great Chasidic Masters reflect the challenges and struggles the chasidic movement has faced and overcome during this most critical period in history, the twentieth century. Part I of the book is devoted to the rebbes of the early decades of the twentieth century, the champions in the struggle against the onslaught of secularism, atheism, and assimilation.
Part II tells the story of Chasidut during the conflagration of the Holocaust and the superhuman spiritual heroism displayed by the chasidic leaders who gave their lives al kiddush Hashem, for the sanctification of God's Name. Their immortal words of faith and courage quoted in the book live on to inspire future generations.
Part III encompasses the rebbes who miraculously survived the Holocaust to rebuild the decimated chasidic movement. Against all odds, charismatic men like the Belzer, Bobover, Gerer, Klausenburger, Lubavitcher, and Vizhnitzer rebbes, as well as many other leaders, succeeded beyond anyone's expectations. Their thoughts, which are set forth in the chapters of this volume, mirror their indomitable spirit.
Finkel brings to life the masters of Chasidut. As the reader absorbs each rebbe's words, he savors the exquisite delight of partaking of a rebbe's tish, sitting alongside the chasidim, listening spellbound to the rebbe's thoughts on the Torah, enjoying the fellowship, and being a part of one of the most soul-stirring experiences in Judaism today. He is catapulted into a world of joy, hope, and faith and understands Chasidism and the giants of the spirit.

Author:Avraham Yaakov Finkel
Condition Rating:Good
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