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The Six Days of Creation The Garden Of Eden, Dinosaurs, And The Missing Billions


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Product Description

Three out of the four rivers emanating from the Garden of Eden are well-known to us, but the fourth and the actual location of Eden are veiled with obscurity.

Radiometric dating, redshift of light waves from distant galaxies, and the cosmic microwave background — among other sophisticated dating techniques — have drawn the science community to the conclusion that the universe is billions of years old.

Furthermore, archaeological discoveries on all continents of the world have revealed thousands of fossils and skeletons from what would appear to be the era of the dinosaurs, millions of years before the creation of man.

Yet the Torah and mesorah stipulate that the world is less than 6,000 years old. In this penetrating and enthralling work, the layman and scholar alike are guided along a blazing trail of dazzling revelations in the fields of relativity, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and satellite imagery — to discover incredible synthesis with the literal narrative of the Six Days of Creation.

Author:Alexander Hool
Publication Status:Out of print, Hard to Find!
Condition Rating:New
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