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Spirituality and Intimacy: Creating the Marriage you Want


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Product Description
Many couples are caught up in the numerous myths that abound regarding marriage. The prevailing view is that if an observant Jew talks about romance or passion in marriage, he is out of line. He is trying to make a Jewish marriage more attractive than it should be. He is certainly crossing a line and venturing into, what many couples would regard as, shaky ground. The brave couple that is prepared to explore their intimate relationship do so with a sense of trepidation, thankful for the fact that nobody knows and nobody can see. They pray that God will understand them and not judge them too harshly. Ultimately, the gift of marriage remains in its wrapper. The secrets that the mystics and the Rabbis have taught remain just that: secrets."Torah"'s powerful message and lesson regarding intimacy is closeted away. "Spirituality and Intimacy" touches on the halachic and therapeutic issues of a satisfying marriage, but ultimately this book is about passion, romance, intimacy and spirituality. Its task is to destroy the myths that in turn destroy relationships. The book sets up a genuine challenge for couples of all ages encouraging them to breathe new life into their relationships by taking a deeper look into how relationships can be guided by a "Torah" perspective.

Author:Raphael Aron
Publication Status:Out of print, Hard to Find!
Condition Rating:Good
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