Unfair to Goliath


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Product Description
lsraels famous humorist Ephraim Kishon knows just how hilarious the serious things of life have to be and just how devastatingly grave are those most trivial domestic tragedies. This means he’s just as funny laughing at The Wars, The President of the US. Karl Marx, critics and Jewish traffic cops as he is at Israeli plumbing, friends, neighbours. relations. people who cough at concert... give you"“ things you can’t repay. make you bad about being alive and, thankfully. write funny stories. And being Jewish he's just that little bit funnier than most =funny story writers.
lsraels famous humorist
Ephraim Kishon knows just how
hilarious the serious things of life have to be and just how devastatingly grave are those most trivial domestic tragedies.

Author:Ephraim Kishon
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