Voyage Of The Visionary: The Commentary of Rabbi Moshe Alshich On the book of Jonah


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WHO IS THE ALSHICIH? Rabbi Moshe Alshich, one of the most profound and inspiring commentators on the Tanach, lived four hundred years ago (1508-1600). He was one of the most gifted students of Rabbi Yosef Karo and the revered teacher of Rabbi Chaim Vital. Since that time, the illuminating commentaries of the Alshich have trken pride of place on the bookshelves of every Jewish library.

The Commentary of rabbi Moshe Alshich On the book of Jonah. WHO IS THE ALSHICIH? Rabbi Moshe Alshich, one of the most profound and inspiring commentators on the Tanach, lived four hundred years ago (1508-1600)

Author:Ravi Shahar
Condition Rating:Good
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