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Visions of Greatness IV


Original: $7.99

Product Description
The power of a true story resonates in the heart. A true story inspires and uplifts. And a true story often connects the generations and brings us closer together. Rabbi Yosef Weiss, has compiled amazing collection of true, stimulating and inspiring stories from the world over. Stories about great Torah personalities and extraordinary stories about "ordinary" people. Meet great Torah luminaries such as the Chofetz Chaim, the Kapitsnitser Rebbe and the Ponevezher Rav Zichronom livracha and observe how they conducted themselves in their everyday life. Other vignettes portray simple, unremarkable people; yet we find that their responses to their own circumstances contain much from which we ourselves can learn and grow.


Author:Rabbi Yosef Weiss
Publication Status:Best Seller
Condition Rating:Good
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