Emunah: A Refresher Course- A Step- By - Step Program to Increased Emunah


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The Torah has been transmitted to the Jewish People with extreme care and precision. The Rambam believed in it and passed it on. The Vilna Gaon believed in it and passed it on. Our grandparents believed in it and passed it on. This is called kabbalas Avos - and it alone is enough to trust and live by our mesorah. Still, substantiating emunah with one's own thinking (known as emunas ha-seichel) offers huge advantages. It provides excitement — a passion and an enthusiasm that make the emunah alive and vibrant. It helps tailor our Torah lives to our individual minds and souls. It helps make Yiddishkeit real. No magical “leap of faith” is necessary in order to believe. All we need is clear-thinking - as demonstrated in this incredible book. In this "refresher course" to emunah, we will re-discover why we believe, and will be able to daven and learn with ever-increasing levels of emunah and connection to Hashem. About the Author: Rabbi Dovid Sapirman is a former talmid of the Philadelphia, Ponivez, and Lakewood Yeshivos. During his forty-three years in the field of chinuch, he has been a, melamed, magid shiur, mashgiach ruchani, public speaker, and worked extensively in kiruv rechokim and kiruv k’rovim. With nearly four decades of experience focusing on reinforcing core emunah, he founded the Ani Ma’amin Foundation in 2009. It is dedicated to offering chizuk inemunah to Bnei Torah of all ages and backgrounds. In only a few years, the foundation has held presentations for over 40,000 people around the world, and created three popular series of CD’s on inyanei emunah

Author:Rabbi Dovid Sapirman
Condition Rating:Very Good
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