Seder Secrets


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Product Description
Where in the hagaddah do we find the full answer to the Four Questions? Why do we eat a full meal right in the middle of reciting Hallel? What is the meaning of the word "Charoses"? How many sacrifices did the kohanim slaughter per minute during the bringing of the korban Pesach? What was the weather like during Krias Yam Suf?-------This book is designed to prepare the reader for this vital task. Step by step, it will take you through the Seder night, elaborate on the ten makkos, describe the suffering of our ancestors in Egypt, and rejoice in their ultimate redemption at the splitting of the sea. Complete with over 30 pages of pictures that bring each part of the Seder to life, and a fascinating account of the bringing of the korban Pesach, it is the ultimate spiritual preparation for the Seder.
Pesach heralds a time of preparation- cleaning, scrubbing and cooking. Yet of greater importance is the spiritual preparation for the holiday

Author:Rabbi Dovid Meisels, Israel Book Shop
Publication Status:Best Seller!
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