Educating Our Children


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There is a complete set of educational methods which are part and parcel of the Torah, says Ray Brisk And as Ray Shmuel Carlebach, of the Ohr Hachaim Institutions, affirms, the author has-succeeded in [find- ing] the pedagogical methods in Chazal, [rather than] first coming to condusjons about education and af- terwards finding quotes from Chazal to. confirm ones opinion.

The educational approach presented here is of the broadest kind. There are methods for younger children and methods for young adults. There are ways of getting through to the least intelligent and to the very brightest. There are suggestions for weak teachers and for overpowering ones, as well. No one method is the Torah�s �ideal� teaching style, but neither does �anything go.� The various techniques are presented in the con- texts in which they are meant to be used, but pat answers are not avail- able. Show the diversity of the To- rahs methods and demonstrating the kind of. study which can discover them is the authors final goal. Parents are invited to use these techniques at home, and: will always be a help to the teaching profession to have encour- agement from the outside, which informed parents are best able to. provide.
The educational approach presented here is of the broadest kind.
There are methods for younger children and methods for young adults.

Author:Rabbi Hillel Brisk, Feldheim, 1993
Publication Status:Hard to find!
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