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Hashem, I long for Your Salvation: How to master life's challenges with Emunah and Bitachon


Original: $5.99

Product Description
The greatest challenge to spiritual growth is a loss of focus. In normal circumstances, a person maintains little awareness that his time on earth is limited. He focuses on what is right in front of him, forgetting that his days are given to him for a purpose and forfeiting the greatness he can achieve in those days. It is so easy to allow oneself to fall into inaction - especially in today's environment of constant connectivity. It is so much easier to distract oneself with some immediate pleasure or curiosity rather then to focus on the hard work of life. Nisyonos make us focus on our purpose in life; they cause us to take stock and make an accounting of what we are doing. Nisyonos force us to prioritize. We start thinking about what is truly important in this world…" A must read and a definite life enhancer!

Author:The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
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