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Techinas - A Voice From the Heart


Original: $14.99

Product Description
NO DUST JACKET>>>>>The techinas, are the voice which women have used to approach G-d and to serve Him. Calling upon Him with feeling has untold merit. For G-d to be present in our most intimate daily experience � to commune with Him in that most private, unstructured moment, and to know that He is there and ready to answer � therein lies the blessing. It is hoped that the modern women who uses this edition of techinas, whether by reading them in translation or by reciting the original with increased understanding, will feel a deep connection to the generations of women who have preceded her. As her voice joins those of her grandmothers and great grandmothers, may she join them in feeling a greater and deeper connection to her Creator.(430 Pages)
The techinas, are the voice which women have used to approach G-d and to serve Him. Calling upon Him with feeling has untold merit.

Author:Rivka Zakutinsky
Publication Status:Out of print, Hard to Find!
Condition Rating:2
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