Bashevkin: Musings For The Soul


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Product Description
Sometimes whimsical, sometimes serene and sometimes somber, Musings for the Soul gives a poetic perspective on everyday life and beyond. From triumph to tragedy, politics to history, Yomim Tovim to Churban, this book will lend new meaning to so many of life's experiences that just seem to pass us by. Divided into easy to read portions, it will make you laugh and cry, think and ponder - and perhaps even muse! �Poetry is the expression of the heart as well as that of the mind and tongue. This collection of poems touches, inspires and tells us many truths in a humorous way. It is a most enjoyable and meaningful read.� Rabbi Berel Wein "Clever powerful thoughts, delightfully composed with humor and insight." Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Sometimes whimsical, sometimes serene and sometimes somber, Musings for the Soul gives a poetic perspective on everyday life and beyond...

Author:Chaim Bashevkin/Yoel Judowitz, Feldheim, 2010
Publication Status:Hard to find!
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