The Treatise Ta'anit of the Babylonian Talmud


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TA�ANIT is the second in the series of�JPS Jewish Classics which the Society hasundertaken to republish.In the introduction to this volume theauthor writes: �What is needed today isa critical edition of the talmudic textbased on a minute collation of all theexisting manuscripts and early editions ofthe Talmud itself, as well as of the Mish-nah, Tosefta, the numerous halakic andhaggadic Midrashim, the Yerushairni andthe so-al1ed Minor Tractates; and, what isof equal importance, on a carefu! exami-nation of the extracts, quotations, andcritical data accumulated in the vast post-talmudic rabbinical literature from the timeof the Geonini onward, for which, too,manuscripts should, as far as possible, becompared. The text so prepared should beadequately translated and elucidated forthe benefit of a wider circle of readers, whoare not in a position to study theoriginal .
TA�ANIT is the second in the series of�JPS Jewish Classics which the Society hasundertaken to republish.In the introduction to this volume theauthor writes:

Author:Henry Malter
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