Eichmann: The Man and His Crimes


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Eichmann’s crimes, so monstrous that the first accounts were dismissed as anti-German propaganda, resulted in the death of 6,000,000 men, women and children. To maintain secrecy, the Nazis gave him the rank of sergeant at the very time when he was supervising the murder of Austria’s Jews. Speaking Yiddish fluently, Eichmann often disguised himself as a Jew and deceived Jewish leaders into giving him the names of his future victims. In his extermination camps, Jews were forced to aid in the slaughter of their people. To those who cooperated he promised “decent burial.” Human life meant nothing to Eichmann; instead, he prided himself on the efficient operation of his death camps and spent months searching for a low-cost poison for his gas chambers.
Eichmann’s crimes, so monstrous that the first accounts were dismissed as anti-German propaganda, resulted in the death of 6,000,000 men, women and children. To maintain secrecy, the Nazis gave him

Author:Comer Clarke
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