Infertility in the Bible: How The Matriarchs Changed Their Fate


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What does an infertile woman experience as she sees a woman pushing a stroller? According to the Torah (The Old Testament), three of the Matriarchs; Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel suffered from infertility but eventually gave birth to the founders of the Jewish People. In Infertility in the Bible author Jessie Fischbein looks at the struggle of important Biblical women to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of infertility, and their success in finally having children. Fischbein examines the efforts of these Biblical figures through prayer and deed. Using their experiences as a starting point, Fischbein discusses her own battle with infertility and how others may benefit from her experience. To help others find their way through this difficult experience, Fischbein focuses on: � Divine Intervention: the key to understanding yourself and your place in God's plan. How to work on yourself and perhaps alter your "fate". � Prayer: why it sometimes works and other times does not work and how to re-mold its force within you. � Leah and Rachel: How their sibling rivalry impacted on their ability to have children, and why focusing your emotions is a hidden tool for change. � Hannah: How the prayers and actions of Samuel's mother helped her conceive. � Important insights on the husband-wife relationship when infertility becomes an issue, and how to better understand the sensitivities of a woman who has trouble conceiving.
What does an infertile woman experience as she sees a woman pushing a stroller?
According to the Torah (The Old Testament), three of the Matriarchs; Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel suffered from infertility but eventually gave birth

Author:Jessie Fischbein
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