Jewish Outreach


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Product Description

Publisher: Ktav

Pages: 168

Although the age of formal prophecy is long past, one need not be a seer to recognize that we are living in one of the most exciting and challenging periods of Jewish life in our people�s history. It is highly unlikely, even considering the kaleidoscopic history of Judaism, that over the course of all of Jewish history there has ever been a period of Jewish renewal of the proportions and magnitude which we are experiencing today. Each year, before our incredulous eyes, thousands of young people of the highest caliber find themselves attracted to the words and the ways of Torah. And yet, sadly, at the same time, sociologists and demographic experts regularly report that the rate of defection has never been greater, and that the majority of American Jews are actually in grave danger of religious extinction. With the dramatic revitalization of American Orthodox Jewish life in America during the latter half of the 20th century has come a breathtaking array of Torah resources that were unavailable to the American Jewish community during Orthodoxy�s long decades of struggle for survival. Now, for the first time, not only do we have Judaic source material available in English for the sophisticated yet Jewishly uneducated American Jew, but there are now also human resources, heretofore unavailable, in the form of Jewish Outreach professionals. With the maturation of the American Orthodox educational system (a miracle in its own right, to be sure), has come the powerful source of thousands of Yeshiva educated men and women, who are now available to reach out to the myriads of unaffiliated American Jews, who so desperately want to be part of Jewish life.
Although the age of formal prophecy is long past, one need not be
a seer to recognize that we are living in one of the most exciting and...

Author:Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
Publication Status:Hard to find!
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