Let There Be Light - The Chofetz Chaim On Chumash


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Product Description
The Torah was given by G-d Himself and every word, even every single letter, was carefully selected to fulfill purposes on many levels. As Chazal teach, there are "seventy aspects to the Torah," from the most basic understanding of the narratives up to the most esoteric mysteries and the secrets of Creation. In Let There Be Light, the Chofetz Chaim offers his insights into many of the messages of the Chumash. His wisdom draws on the traditional sources and sheds light on their meaning in today's world. The words of the Chofetz Chaim are like a wondrous beacon of light, beckoning us with its warmth to draw closer to its Eternal Source.

In Let There Be Light, the Chofetz Chaim offers his insights into many of the messages of the Chumash.

Author:Translated by Raphael Blumberg
Publication Status:Very Hard to Find!
Condition Rating:Good
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