A Daughter's Gift of Love [Hardcover]


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Product Description
A personal narrative of forced labor, physical deprivations of the Kovno ghetto, transport by cattle car to the Stutthof concentration camp on the Baltic, her choice to remain beside her mother to die in the gas chamber, the ordeals of life in the camp, etc. From the Dust Jacket: "This is the dramatic story of a Holocaust survivor who was literally snatched from the flames of the crematorium as the flames reached her body... a memoir that pays tribute to love and devotion, the bond between mother and daughter: the story of a daughter who, by refusing to save herself, saved them both."
A personal narrative of forced labor, physical deprivations of the Kovno ghetto, transport by cattle car to the Stutthof concentration camp on the Baltic, her choice to remain beside her Mother...

Author:Trudi Birger, Jeffrey M. Green, 1992
Publication Status:Very Hard to Find!
Condition Rating:2
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