Encyclopaedia Judaica Year Book 1975-76


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Product Description
We're living in exciting times.., in historic times. Today's newspaper headline can very well be the opening chapter of a major historical event.., or it can be forgotten tomorrow. With the tremendous influx of information coming from so many sources, it takes experts to give it perspective or possibly call it aesthetic distance. That was the job of the editors of Encyclopaedia Judaica. They took the events, milestones, personalities of the past two years and gave it form - a form that is easy to read, yet with the depth that you expect from Encyclopaedia Judaica. A format that is both pleasing to the eye and mind. Events that were skimmed over, now have dimension. Personalities are presented with color. And the years' diary puts things in order. Encyclopaedia Judaica Year Book keeps pace with the fast changing events of the past two years... keeping your Encyclopaedia Judaica up-to-date. Photo features add another dimension to n this Year Book with an outstanding photo essay on Jewish Posters and a special look at the Jews of the Caribbean region. A fine addition to your library Printed in the fine tradition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, this volume is a pleasure to own and use.
They took the events, milestones, personalities of two years and gave it form - a form that is easy to read, yet with the depth that you
expect from Encyclopaedia Judaica

Author:Encyclopaedia Judaica
Publication Status:A Classic!
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