The Modern Jewish Woman


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RIPPED DUST JACKET>>>>The Jewish woman has been the center of much attention in recent years. Jewish women of all affiliations and from various backgrounds have been asking questions about identity and purpose, with the goal of leading a more meaningful Jewish life. One might think that the increased Jewish feminist awareness of the past decade, corresponding to the general "women's movement", would be met with opposition in Torah circles. However, the recognition of the importance of the woman and of her unique qualities and powers has been welcomed, for actually, the Torah gives the Jewish woman a lofty status. The times are ripe for a deeper look into the essence of Jewish womanhood. Ignorance is the greatest enemy of the Jewish people; misconceptions and outright myths about the Jewish woman have prevailed until very recently, turning many women away from an appreciation of Torah and from accepting a Jewish lifestyle. It is of crucial importance that valid, thorough information be available on this subject. The Chabad-Lubavitch Women's Organization, which presents this publication, is the women's group of the internationally known Chabad-Lubavitch movement. This Chassidic movement, since its inception over 200 years ago, has brought a deep appreciation of the Jewish heritage to Jews around the world, supplying them with concrete answers about Judaism from the everyday practical aspects to deep, mystical interpretations of Torah. This book has been written primarily by women for women. It is divided into five basic units. The first attempts to clarify general concepts and viewpoints of Judaism, with special attention given to contemporary challenges that are frequently raised about the woman's place in traditional Judaism. It discusses what this role is, and its relevance to today, and points out the responsibility of one Jew to another. Additionally, it indicates the need to recognize that we have a connection to each other historically and spiritually.


Author:A Lubavitch Womens Publication, 1981
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