Moreshet Moshe: Torah Thoughts - 2 volume set


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NO DUST JACKET>>>>.Dayan Swift was born in Liverpool in 1907, the son of an erudite, pious layman who steadfastly adhered to his religious principles. Such was the impact of his example that three of his sons and one son-in-law became Rabbis, each making his distinctive contribution to Jewish life and literature in the English-speaking world. After receiving his initial introduction to Talmudic study from his father, Moshe Swift left home to learn at the newly established Yeshiva in Manchester. His brief stay there was the beginning of a life-long association with that renowned Torah institution and its saintly Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Se-:, gal, '"T. Dayan Swift remained a staunch supporter and champion of the Yeshiva, inspiring pupils and public alike with his fiery speeches at annual Awards Ceremonies and fund-raising functions. His youthful experience of Yeshiva life, and a personal attachment to Rav Kahaneman +of Ponevez inspired him to enhance his Talmudic and Rabbinic scholarship in the famous centers of Torah learning in pre-war Lithuania and Poland. During his studies at the Yeshivot of Ponevez and Mir and on visits to other centers of Jewish life, he met and became imbued with the sublime Torah outlook of the great sages for which Eastern Europe was world-renowned. At age 23, he returned to England, the proud bearer of Rabbinical Diplomas from the eminent Geonim Reb Shimon Shkop, Rav Kahaneman, and Rav Finkel, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mir. He then married Phoebe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Solomon, of Llanelli, South Wales, who were noted for their devotion to Torah, and hospitality to Torah scholars. Throughout their married life, Mrs. Swift was a model of the ideal Jewish helpmate, supporting and encouraging her husband in his manifold activities. They had two daughters, Rachelle and Claire. Mrs. Rachelle Gruber currently resides in Rochester, New York, and Mrs. Claire Reicher in Antwerp, Belgium. Dayan Swift embarked upon a rabbinic career, serving first as a Rabbi of Shepherd's Bush Synagogue and then at the Brixton Synagogue, the major congregation of South London. There he remained during World War II, combining his duties with those of Visiting Minister to the war-time community of High Wycombe, giving succor to evacuees and ensuring continuity of religious education and observance. He was active in welfare work for European refugee children, caring for both their

After receiving his initial introduction to Talmudic study from his father, Moshe Swift left home to learn at the newly established Yeshiva in Manchester.

Author:Dayan Swift
Publication Status:Hard to find!
Condition Rating:Good
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