CDROM Artscroll Alef to Tav


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Product Description
Alef to Tav is more than just another program. It is a landmark development in Hebrew Software. Developed in Israel by a highly motivated team of experts in education and multimedia it brings together the best of education and entertainment and forges a powerful teaching tool. For young pre-schoolers or those trying to crack the Hebrew Language barrier this program has what it takes. In addition if your mother tongue is Hebrew, English, French or Spanish the entire instruction can be in the language of your choice. Teaches: Hebrew letter recognition... Hebrew Vowels... Hebrew Vocabulary... Hebrew Pronunciation... Original sound track... Original Lyrics... Auto navigator... Customized settings... On line help... Interactive Tutorial... Animation & Graphics... Surprise HOT SPOTS... Paint on letters... Paint Pictures... Sound effects... 256 color Paint Palette... Interactive games... and much more... CD includes Five Languages: Hebrew... English Ashkenaz... English Sephardic... French... Spanish...
Alef to Tav is more than just another program. It is a landmark development in Hebrew Software. Developed in Israel by a highly motivated team of experts in education and multimedia .

Author:Yaffa Ganz
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