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Product Description
Taking Tefillah, Emunah, and Humor on a Journey to Healing

"So I get extra chemo as a prize for good behavior?" questioned Ann with her trademark sense of humor. "I thought people get time off for good behavior."

Ann Goldberg's doctors were in for a surprise. They'd never had a patient quite like her - and probably never will again.

That was just part of Ann's journey through radiation, chemotherapy and major surgeries, including an ostomy and all the discomforts that entailed. Ahead of her she had many months of pain, distress, and depleted energy.

But she already knew that most things are more bearable when taken with a dose of humor. (Or a grain of salt. Or a new type of "bag" she has to lug around.) How big of a dose she would need this time, though, was far more than she'd anticipated when she was thrust into this new journey, caught unawares, right in the middle of the train of life.

Accompany Ann on this journey to healing and see for yourself how intense tefillah, awareness of Hashem, and a positive outlook coupled with humor formed a personal recipe for her recovery.  

Through the pages of this insightful book, you'll gain clarity and perspective from the illuminating sections on tefillah...along with strength, and tools you can tap into to help you face your own challenges - whatever they are. 

Ann Goldberg's essays and articles have appeared in publications such as Mishpacha, Ami, Binahthe Jerusalem Post, and the Jewish Press, and on numerous websites. She also coaches writers and offers courses to help them get published. Ann made aliyah from the UK with her husband and children over 35 years ago and lives in Jerusalem. 

Author:Ann Goldberg
Condition Rating:New
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