Only with Emunah


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Product Description
Inspiring Messages from the Kalever Rebbe Shlit"a
Disseminated during the Coronavirus Pandemic 5780

In Only with Emunah, a book of timely and timeless chizuk concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, you will not find the words and explanations of the president, the state governor, or the CDC. You will not even find the various hypotheses of scholars and scientists, all of whom have become weary trying to understand the process of this virus.

Instead, in these pages you will discover the true and eternal view of the holy Torah on these current events, through the chizukdivrei Torah, and true stories of gedolim brought down by the great tzaddik, the Kalever Rebbe, Grand Rabbi Moshe Taub shlit”a

In this book you will learn how to strengthen yourself and transcend all types of situations in life, "only with emunah.”

Author:Kalever Rebbe
Condition Rating:Very good
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