It's All in Your Mind: The Jewish Path to Unlocking your Potential


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Product Description

The potential power of our thoughts is tremendous. In fact, the secret to success lies in the power of thought.

  • How can we realize our life's dreams and aspirations?
  • Can we change our destiny?
  • How do we avail ourselves of the Almighty's boundless goodness and beneficence?
  • Is it possible to control our thoughts?
  • How can we properly thank Hashem for His endless bounty, kindness and generosity?
  • How can we learn to cope with fear, pressure, anger and resentment?

...this book will prove to be an invaluable guide. Take a few moments from your hectic schedule to reflect on the truly important things in life. Over the years, author Sara Yosef - daughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef zt"l -  lecturer and workshop facilitator specializing in positive thinking - has amassed an enormous amount of knowledge and experience in delving into the depths of the human soul.

Author:Rebbetzin Sara Yosef
Publication Status:Out of Print
Condition Rating:Very good
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