Gifts from Hashem


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Product Description
Inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl Happiness is the result of proper attitudes of the mind. One who recognizes the goodness of the world is always rejoicing. Through bechina (discovering Hashem in the world), you can achieve true joy. Feel closer to Hashem, pray with greater enthusiasm, and do mitzvos with renewed excitement. In Gifts from Hashem, rediscover your your body, the world you live in, the creations around you. Plus, learn to use the Morning Blessings to refocus on your gifts each day. Unleash the radiant happiness that results from recognizing your Gifts from Hashem. Short daily lessons Featuring a “Thought for the day” Written by a close student of Rabbi Avigdor Miller

Author:Rabbi Moshe Goldberger
Condition Rating:Very good
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