A Daily Dose of Kindness Stories from the heart: A Response to Terror : Book One- In Love with Israel


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When his wife was violently murdered by a suicide bomber, Shmuel Greenbaum wondered if anyone would understand his way of coping with a personal tragedy. Soon after the traumatic event, Greenbaum began a new venture -- Partners in Kindness, a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the art of kindness.


Within a few years more than 33,000 endorsers on six continents subscribed to his e-mails. His success led to hundreds of requests for the material to be reprinted, reaching an audience of more than 1.5 million readers in print and electronic media. Greenbaum s first book, A Daily Dose of Kindness, represents the best of these e-mails. The book contains diverse stories about Israel submitted from one hundred contributors. A Daily Dose of Kindness is the result of the collaboration of hundreds of volunteers and financial supporters of many different religions and nationalities. These stories of caring may bring new hope to Israel, the Middle East and the world.

Author:Shmuel Greenbaum
Condition Rating:Very good
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