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Item NameQuantityItem Price Total Price
104692 Family Parsha Book 104692 Family Parsha Book

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103644 The Exodus You Almost Passed Over103644 The Exodus You Almost Passed Over

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104675 Baba Sali: Rav Yisroel Abuchatzeirah- His Life, Holiness, Teachings and Miracles104675 Baba Sali: Rav Yisroel Abuchatzeirah- His Life, Holiness, Teachings and Miracles

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104723 Ten Lost: The Prequel to Aleph Shin & Aleph Shin104723 Ten Lost: The Prequel to Aleph Shin & Aleph Shin

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104694 Let There Be...Knowing: Using the Prophetic Kabbalah and Ma'aseh Merkava to Expand the Powers of Mind/Soul104694 Let There Be...Knowing: Using the Prophetic Kabbalah and Ma'aseh Merkava to Expand the Powers of Mind/Soul

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101096 The 6 Constant Mitzvos - Pocket Size Hard Cover: Based on a Lecture Series by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz101096 The 6 Constant Mitzvos - Pocket Size Hard Cover: Based on a Lecture Series by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz

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104677 Tranquility and Travail: A Torah Perspective on the Challenges of Life104677 Tranquility and Travail: A Torah Perspective on the Challenges of Life

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      Estimated Total $135.93
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