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A Child Like That


Original: $9.99

Product Description
THERE WAS NO MORE denying it and making excuses: something was definitely wrong with Shimmy. He was different not only from his older brother and sister; he was different from most children his age. Rivka had noticed her son's delayed development, but she had convinced herself that with time he would catch up. Now it was clear that his lack of speech and his aggressive behavior were indications of a serious problem that could not be ignored. Thus began Rivka Walburg's arduous and painful journey through the bureaucratic labyrinth of diagnostic testing and psychological evaluation that ended with the shattering pronouncement: Shimmy was "retarded." It was a bitter pill to swallow, yet Rivka was unwilling to accept a verdict that would sentence her child to an existence if on the periphery of society, outside of the warm circle of family and friends, never to appreciate or even understand the beauty land joy of a full Jewish life. She became determined to provide Shimmy with the education and support he needed in order to reach his maximum potential, as a human being and as a productive and active member of the religious community. Rivka soon discovered that while American law guarantees the rights of handicapped children to an education, the parent must play an active role in seeing that guarantee fulfilled. She also discovered that diagnoses could be incorrect, and a parent's intuition and input can be crucial. For a busy wife, mother and teacher, this additional responsibility was demanding, but Rivka rose to the challenge. The circumstances impelled her to learn all she could about Shimmy's disabilities and, armed with information, to confront the professionals. But even when Shimmy was placed in..
It was a bitter pill to swallow, yet Rivka was unwilling to accept a verdict that would sentence her child to an existence..

Author:Rivka Walburg, Feldheim, 1992
Publication Status:Hard to find!
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